
Спальня Free

Natural. Elegant. Design-oriented - this model is made of solid walnut and color-glass, and combines the best features of nature and craftsmanship.

Love at first sight

The precious walnut wood warms every room with its warm colour, the dark color-glass gives the furniture elegance and together they create a timeless aesthetic look in your home. With the modern design of the bed and the ornate back of the bedhead, you have an unusually high choice of place for your sleeping quarter.

Elegant storage space

The modern look is also visible in the chests of drawers. They persuade with their versatility: whether upright or hanging dresser, in puristic wood finish, with or without the framing panel, or in combination with a color-glass front - it certainly gives your furniture a special look.

Фабрика производитель:Thielemeyer
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